Headhouse Square

Headhouse Square

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

E-card or the Real Deal?

I love technology. I love the ease of communication, the instant gratification, and the immediate access to information. So recently I received a birthday card and Thanksgiving card from a couple of vendors via e-mail and I got to thinking.

On the surface I recognized the type of e-card based on the subject line and felt recognized for a split second, then proceeded to delete the card from my e-mail. I have no idea what it said nor can I recall the vendor that sent it. My immediate concern (as always is with e-mail) was to delete it in case it was a virus.

Now, if I was so quick to discard the e-card, how are my e-messages coming across to my client base? I can only assume they are just as likely to be as impressionable as those sent to me. I've been to numerous prospecting events and seminars regarding how to market to your sphere, and how to use technology, etc... yet it has never been as apparent as it is now - we need to get back to sending an actual card!

I know it's crazy, but I every time I receive a card in the mail, with actual ink and human signatures (I know this can be rare), I feel compelled to hold on to it. And I typically remember who sent the card, so the impact is obviously greater and more lasting. Yes, technology is great and keeps getting better, but let's not forget or take for granted the human element that comes with staying in touch.

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